Click here to register for Old Testament Favorites!

What started as VBS for Grown-ups has quickly become VBS for Back Yards, with the option of all-new questions for the children who share your back yard.

Stories. Crafts. Music. Service projects. It all comes to you via email once a week for you to complete in your own back yard alone or with your family. You can even make new friends by participating in the private "VBS for Grownups" Facebook group.

So what do we talk about?

VBS for Grownups: Old Testament includes:

  • Creation
  • Noah
  • Joseph
  • Miriam
  • The Firey Furnace 

Each module includes these five sections:

  • Story Time
  • Reflection Section
  • Imagination Station
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Mission Moment


Here's a sample Reflection Section from Week One: Creation

Amidst all of the stories and crafts and adventures, we include a few deeper faith questions for adults. Thiese are the actual questions taken from "Week One: Creation."

Directions: Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on God the Creator. Take a walk, journal about it, or talk with a trusted friend.

  • What skills and traits did God create in you as a child? How are you currently using those skills and traits as an adult? Are there skills and traits that God might be calling you to use in a new way?
  • What projects, games, and stories do you remember creating as a child? How did people react to the things that you created? What did their reactions teach you about your creativity? Is it true? 
  • What does the word creativity mean to you? How do you currently use creativity in your work, home, family, community, online, or at church? How does your creativity connect you to God the creator?

Questions for Young Disciples: What is your favorite game to play? What is your favorite thing to pretend? God created you to dream, play, pretend, and create all sorts of things! You are a beloved, creative Child of God.

Who is leading VBS?

Hi! I'm Dawn Trautman and I'll be your leader. I first attended VBS at Faith Lutheran Church in Massillon, Ohio and continued through being a small group helper and finally leader at churches in Minnesota, North Dakota, New York City, and throughout the Rocky Mountains. 

Now as a strategic coach for ministry leaders, I have gotten to train or lead the children, youth, and ministry people at these and other institutions. 

Sounds fun! How Do I Participate?  

As soon as you register, you'll receive an email with access to the Facebook group, your supply list, and a sticker chart to track your progress through VBS, because what's more fun than a sticker chart?!?

(Quick side note: if downloading lists, uploading photos, and watching a Facebook Live is overwhelming, this probably isn't the program for you. We'd love to help, but we're not really set up to offer any tech support. Like, none at all. Please be sure that you or someone near you can handle the technology. Thanks!)

That first email will also have access to your first module, full of stories and activities around the theme of God the Creator.  

You'll receive a new lesson every seven days after the first one. VBS for grown-ups lasts five WEEKS instead of five DAYS.

You are welcome to do your lessons whenever it works best in your schedule. You may want to sign up with a friend so that you can do your lessons together. Just like VBS! 

(Another quick side note: This version of VBS for Grownups is designed for one household. If you'd like to use it with your congregation, set up a conversation and we'll design a VBS for Grownups around the needs of your congregation. Really. We're quite flexible and ready to make this easy as you figure out how to do VBS while also doing social distancing.)

Still have questions? Please email

Let's stay in touch on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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